
王鹏飞, 1943年生于福建涵江, 福建师大美术系毕业,中国美协会员,一级美术师,世界科教文卫组织专家成员。 他深知艺术表现力的后劲需要雄厚的文化素养来撑持,因此为研究史论诗词而读书万卷,为探索写生而行万里路;融汇中西,博采众长,寄情写心,追求诗境构思,写作灵气飘逸,气韵清新,气势恢宏,内美蕴藉。黄均教授誉其作品“功力深厚,笔墨苍秀,很有独自风格”。 《王鹏飞特邀个人画展》在文化部主办的《三峡截流杯》全国书画大展中获一等奖,作品入选《中国画三百家》和“中法文化年中国风情当代中国画作品展”,并在法国巴黎国际艺术城展出并被收藏;作品入选第二届,第三届中国美协会员中国画精品展;在国内外大赛中获金奖九次,作品还被世界科教文卫组织,美术馆等收藏:被选定为赠送联合国国际科学与和平周礼品。中央电视台,新华社《瞭望》海外专刊,《人民日报》《中国文化报》《画界》《今日世界》等刊物都曾予以报道:其艺术成就载入《世界名人录》等六十余部辞书,出版有《王鹏飞国画展》等。他被审定授予“中国文化艺术终身成就银奖“,世界科教文卫组织首批特殊贡献金色勋章:获得中国有突出贡献专家证书。   地址:福建省 莆田市 涵江涵华路96号(845)   邮编:351111 Email:wpf8585@126.com   Resume Wang Pengfei, born in 1943in Hanjiang,Fujian Province, graduated from Fine Art Department,Fujian Normal University,is a member of China Artists Association,the state grade-1 artist and expert member of UNESCO. He sincerely believes that artistic appeal results from solid foundation in knowledge and cultural attainment,so he makes great effort to research history,read numerous books,explore in huge territory drawing.He succeeds in absorbing the essence of Western painting and Chinese painting,expressing his inner feeling by means of drawing so as to create poetic compositions.His works are fresh,charming vigor in appearance and meaningful in content.As Prof Huang Jun’s remark,hispaintings could reveal his”solid foundation,skilled brushwork and unipue style”.” Wang Pengfei Solo Show”was awarded the 1st prize by the Ministry of Culture,His works can be found in “300Famous Chinese Artists”.Exhibitions he attended include:Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings in Paris,France:the 2nd and 3rd Chinese Painting Exhibitions hosted by China Artists Association.He ha won 9gold prize at home and abroad and his works were collected by the UNESCO and some galleries.One of his paintings was chosen as the present to International Science and Peace Week hosted by the UN.His achievements in art have been reported by CCTV,XinhuaAgency,People Daily,China Culture Paper,Art World,The World Today.His name is collected into WHO’S WHO and other 60-odd dictionaries.He published a painting album entitled”Chinese Paintings by Wang Pengfei”.He has won the following titles:Silver Prize for Lifetime Achievement in China Culture and Art,Golden Medal for Special Contribution by UNESCO,Cerificate of Chinese Expert for Special Contribution.



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